Instructions for completing the SAPS 520 application
Only complete the
following sections :
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Section D : Type of Permit
Check number 5
(Temporary import or export permit) if you are hunting in South Africa.
Check number 4
(In-transit permit) if you are traveling through South Africa and hunting in
another African country
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Section E : Particulars of Applicant
Complete the whole
section from 1 thru 25.
25.1 to 25.4 MUST
be completed, even if you are traveling alone! The particulars are required
(spouse/partner/contact) in case of an emergency.
Page 4 of 8 :
Section G : Import and/or Export Details
Complete the
section from 1 thru 9.2
date format is YYYY-MM-DD
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Section I : Details of Firearms and Ammunition
Complete all
requested details about firearms and Ammuntion
Note : I - 1.7
"Barrel Serial Number" - not necessary if barrel is solidly connected to the
receiver, as are most bolt action rifles, and th ereceive has a serail
nubmer and the barrel does not have a serial number. This is only required
if the barrel has a defferent serial number than the receive's serial number
or if there is no serial number on the receive an dthe only serial number is
located on the solidly attached barrel, as in some custom made bolt action
Also complete
section I 2 : Details of Ammunition, state the type and quantity of
ammunition you inted to import
Page 6 of 8 :
Section I : Declaration by person who is lawfully in possession of the
Complte sections 3
thru 4.4
Section 4.1 Fill
in your Name
Section 4.2 Fill
in the date (YYYY-MM-DD)
Section 4.3 SIGN
the document
Section 4.4 Fill
in the city where you are signing the document
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Section J : Signature of Application
Complete sections
1 thru 4
Section 4.1 Fill
in your name
Section 4.2 Fill
in the date (YYYY-MM-DD)
Section 4.3 SIGN
the document
Section 4.4 Fill
in the city where you are signing the document
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